(please be kind to me this is a wip and I am still learning coding languages)
Casa de Wynter-Galian

Wynter and Galian's house!

Ever wondered if it's safe for a formfluid (read: shapeshifting) half-soul to be crammed in the same body as an extinct marsupial,
gigantic flying raptor, former military ghost, ice-controlling half-a-dragon and a lost elven prince, all of whom are
technically the same person and also genderfluid? Wait, how did all of that even happen to one guy?

We don't know either. It just kind of did. And Galian doesn't seem to mind it here, so it should be safe enough. Right?

I'm Wynter, and my daemon is Galian. If you think we're cool then you should totally check out my friends' super awesome website! You'll love it there!

(also, please ignore how ugly this box is. I'm working on it!)

This is an experimental block with links that, erm, don't go anywhere. Ignore, please!


Facts About Wynter

Facts About Galian